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This photo, taken on May 1, 2011, is a partial-albino Steller's Jay. The location is 20 minutes south of Yosemite Park and about 2 miles west of Bass Lake at a 3,600 ft elevation. It's the Teaford Meadow Lakes area between Oakhurst and North Fork.
Birds with anything from a few to many white feathers in their plumage are called partial albinos. Birds with large amounts of white are the result of a genetic flaw in both male and female. The reason they remain rare is that both parents must carry the genes responsible for the white plumage. True albinos have red eyes.
This photo was taken by Christa Cordtz.
Great photo of a partial-albino Steller's Jay! Thank you for sharing.
If you have an image of an unusual backyard bird or critter that you would like posted, contact the Department. If you know the name of your backyard bird or critter, please include it along with your name, the date you took the photo and where it was taken. When the image is processed and online, we will notify you.