Purple Finch
Purple Finch Video Clips

Purple Finches spend the summer here and raise their family. For food sources they eat peanut butter cakes, black-oil sunflower seeds, sunflower chips and fruit. We haven't noticed them eating flowers from the fruit trees, but they are known to do so. They love the dripping water and enjoy taking many baths.
Purple Finch Sound Clip
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Purple Finch Courtship
The Purple Finch is one of the most entertaining birds to watch during courtship. The male sings for the female, puffs his chest in front of her with his wings held low and fluttering trying to get her attention. Sometimes, he flies straight up into the air and landing a little closer to her to get her attention. She eventually gives into his displays, but there are many times she continues to eat and ignores him.
Purple Finch or House Finch
Purple Finches and House Finches are often misidentified by the beginner birder. See a side-by-side comparison of a House Finch and Purple Finch in Bird 101.