Hermit Thrush
Hermit Thrush Video Clips
Hermit Thrushes are very shy and secretive. One of the best ways to attract these shy birds to your property is to provide a bird-friendly water feature. Bird baths also attract the similar-looking Swainson's Thrush.
Indian Legend - Song of the Hermit Thrush
Hermit Thrushes are known for their unforgettable music. Many say it is the most beautiful of all bird songs. To hear the song and read a wonderful Indian Legend on how the thrush received it's song, check out Song of the Hermit Thrush - An Iroquois Legend.
Hearing a Miracle
On June 13, 2005, while Donald Kroodsma was being interviewed on NPR's Morning Edition, he said, "There's this wonderful Zen parable," he says. "If you listen to the thrush and hear a thrush, you've not really heard the thrush. But if you listen to a thrush and hear a miracle, then you've heard the thrush."