Pine Siskin

Because Pine Siskins do not have a fixed migration pattern, they cannot be predicted to arrive at any particular location at any particular time or season. There are some siskins that have a tendency to return to a particular breeding ground. But if food is not readily available, they move to another location. We typically have a couple Pine Siskins during the breeding season as there is an abundant supply of sunflower chips from our feeders.
During the winter months, these gregarious, yet feisty birds often arrive in large flocks of 80 or more. The feeders and grounds are covered with siskins. They will hold their own against larger birds. Thistle feeders are one of their favorites. You'll find them hanging upside down in order to feed at them. They are unusually tame. I've had the wonderful experience of having Pine Siskins land on my arms, shoulders and hands while trying to fill the feeder with sunflower chips.