Anna's Hummingbird
Anna's Hummingbird Video Clips

Anna's Hummingbirds are year-around residents here in Waldport, Oregon. They start mating in late December and early January. Watch a video clip of a male Anna's Hummingbird stretching his wings and flashing his gorget. Hummingbirds use their flashy gorgets to attract females. Few female Anna's could resist this handsome male.

When we hear and see the male Anna's making his dive display for the females in late December, we hang a cotton ball under the eaves. As time has progressed, not only do more and more Anna's use the cotton ball, but also the Rufous Hummingbirds started using it along with the American Goldfinches. Watch a video clip, of a female Anna's Hummingbird collecting cotton.
Attracting Hummingbirds
Attract more hummingbirds to your backyard wildlife habit by planting more hummingbird plants and provide them with home-made nectar. The secret to increasing your hummingbird population is making sure you keep the feeders clean and filled.
Also, don't forget to provide water for the hummingbirds. Watch a video clip of an Anna's Hummingbird taking a bath.
Despite their small size, hummingbirds are hardy. They can survive sub-freezing temperatures, and even blizzards, by going into torpor-a sleeplike state that saves energy. When not in torpor, however, hummingbirds use energy quickly. Its heart beat is more than 10 times per second. By providing food, you may help a hummingibrd survive at a time of year when insects and nectar are difficult to find.